3D laser scanning
Bring your project from the real world into a computer with our BLK 360 Laser Scanner. The scanner creates detailed 3D images of your property and can be used for factory floor mapping, mine evaluation, slope stability, volumetrics, engineering analysis, historical preservation and even residential landscaping.
Technical writing
Let our professional Geologist compose National Instrument 43-101 technical reports, site evaluation reports, or presentation graphics to enhance your project.
Geophysics surveys
Using our new GEM GS-35 Potassium Magnetometer, we can provide highly accurate Geophysics surveys.
We have extensive CAD experience utilizing Solidworks for product design and analysis.
Data evaluation
For soil, stream, or outcrop samples, we utilize ArcGIS software to create maps showing sample locations and element concentration. Using that data, we can create visually engaging maps that will help illustrate the value adding aspects of your project.
We also provide good old fashioned Claimstaking services using new Trimble GPS technology. We have done Claimstaking in all the Western States, including Alaska, and know how to get them done quickly and accurately.
Need something else done?
Contact us. We have a network of geologists and engineers who can help you bring your project to life.